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3R Competence Network NRW

In spring 2022, the eight medical faculties of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia formed the 3R Competence Network NRW. The aim of this state-wide network is to harmonize biomedical research and medical progress in NRW with the best possible animal welfare. The network is focused on the "3Rs principle": replace, reduce and refine.

With establishing 3R centers, creating a platform for inter- and transdisciplinary exchange as well as expanding the range of training and further education, the 3R competence network creates new synergies. The network promotes 3R research in NRW as a catalyst for innovation in animal welfare. Objective public relations work on animal experiments and progress in the 3R field complements the range of tasks of the 3R Competence Network.

The office, which has been active since August 2022, is located at the Medical Dean's Office of the Rheinische Friedrichs-Wilhelm-Universität Bonn and takes care of the strategic, administrative and communicative tasks of the 3R Competence Network. It is also the central point of contact for all concerns of the network members and for the interested public. Coordinators at the eight partner locations support the work of the office.

Current events

  • BIH QUEST Center | Preclinical Rethinking Webinar

    Public event



    Modality: Online

  • 3R-Network Baden-Württemberg Annual Conference 2025

    Public event


    Modality: On-site

    Universität Stuttgart Campus Vaihingen
    70569 Stuttgart
  • 3R - Kompetenzkolloquium NRW | From crisis to opportunity – systematic heterogenization as a tool to improve reproducibility and reduce animal use

    Internal Event


    Modality: Online


Dekanatsgebäude der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Münster

Internal, Research, Advanced and Continuing Education

Meet & Greet in Münster: A Dynamic Scientific Exchange on 3R Research Kicking Off the New Year

— The Meet & Greet in Münster brought together leading experts in biomedical animal research, creating an inspiring platform for dialogue and collaboration. Hosted at the University of Münster, the event united researchers, veterinarians, and animal care professionals who are passionate about advancing the 3R principles—Replace, Reduce, Refine—in science.

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Logo Paper of the Quarter

Internal, Research

Groundbreaking 3R Research Honored with “Paper of the Quarter” Recognitions

— Paper of the Quarter is a competition that quarterly celebrates innovative research from North Rhine-Westphalia that adheres to the 3R principles: replacing animal experiments, reducing the number of animals used in research, or refining experiments to minimize animal suffering. The 3R Competence Network NRW has announced the winners recognized for their Paper of the Quarter contributions for the second and third quarters of 2024.

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Ein Teaser Bild zu den veröffentlichten Zitaten von den Froschenden aus aller Deutschland zu den Tierversuche und dem 3R-Prinzip

Research, Media

Over 100 Researchers Highlight the Importance of Animal Experiments and the 3R Principle

— The information initiative “Understanding Animal Experiments” (Tierversuche verstehen) has published over 100 personal statements from scientists, animal caretakers, and institutional leaders across Germany. This unique collection explains why animal experiments are currently indispensable in biomedical research and how the 3R principle – Replace, Reduce, and Refine – is being actively applied in research practices.

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