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From the organizers:

"Animal research is regulated under the premise that any harm imposed on animals must be indispensable. This is the legal basis of the 3Rs principle (replace, reduce, refine), which serves to minimise harm to animals in research. However, the 3Rs are just one of several ethical principles necessary to guarantee rigorous and responsible animal research. Ultimately, decisions are taken by ethical deliberation in a harm-benefit analysis (HBA). However, unless a study produces scientifically valid and reproducible results, the animals may be harmed without good reason. Poor reproducibility may be due to poor animal model validity, poor internal validity, and poor external validity. In analogy to the 3Rs principle, Professor Würbel has therefore proposed the 3Vs principle as a complementary principle for the ethical evaluation of animal research. Together, the 3Rs, the 3Vs and the HBA provide an effective framework for protocol review and licencing of animal research."

For more information and registration, please visit the event page: Bf3R Seminar with Professor Dr Hanno Würbel: More than 3Rs – The Principles of Rigorous and Responsible Animal Research