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Modality: On-site

Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Augustenburger Pl. 1
13353 Berlin

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From the organizers:

"The workshop "ReThink 3R" provides a playful approach to the application of the 3Rs principle by using Design Thinking methods.

Would you like to learn more about the 3R principle for animal experiments?

Charité 3R and the ReThink3R-Team invite you to an interactive workshop focusing on the 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine). Think about new approaches regarding the 3Rs and figure out why their implementation in your daily research is sometimes challenging. By using Design Thinking methods, you get an unbiased and playful approach to the 3Rs and find creative space to exchange experiences and work on ways to further implement these principles.

Process and methodology

Ideally, participants in the "Rethink 3R" course have already gained initial experience in the field of 3Rs, e.g. by participating in the course 3R Curriculum: Animal Ethics and the 3R principle in Biomedical Research, for finding highly innovative solutions. As a minimum level, participants are expected to read the information material sent out a few days before the course.

This interactive workshop only works with active and motivated participants, as this is essential for the teamwork and its results. Being shy for example is not a problem, but we need you to be engaged in this course. So please be sure you can relate to this if you register to the course."