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Attendance is free of charge but a registration is kindly required.

Modality: Hybrid

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Martinistraße 52
Lecture Hall Ian K. Karan, Campus Lehre, Building N55
20251 Hamburg

Route planner

From the organizers:

"Can we alleviate balance disorders after strokes or in MS diseases if we decode the brain networks of balance? Can models generated by 3D printing contribute to better research into heart disease? How exactly is energy and sugar metabolism regulated by the central nervous system? And what mechanisms are used to break down fat in the cell? Exciting questions that have one thing in common: They are based on outstanding research work by talented young researchers and renowned personalities from the world of contemporary science, which have been awarded by the Jung Foundation. Anyone who is curious can find out the answers to these questions at the 4th Jung Symposium "Excellence in human medicine 2024": Metabolism researcher Professor Dr phil. Rudolf Zechner, endocrinologist Professor Dr med. Jens Brüning, cardiologist Dr med. Christine Maria Poch and neurologist Dr med. Maximilian U. Friedrich will provide exciting insights into their research findings and be available to answer questions."

For further information like the program and registration, please visit the symposium website: 4th Jung Symposium "Excellence in human medicine 2024"