From the organizers:
"For ethical review body members, animal unit staff and researchers, this webinar will provide an overview of how study plans are being used in academic research settings and provide insight in how to maximise the effectiveness of study plan infrastructure and increase the likelihood of producing high quality science.
Dr Frances Rawle will provide an overview of the current landscape and pitfalls of ethical review and Dr Stephen Turnock will present his work on creating the ARRIVE study plan, a structured template to promote transparent communication of planned in vivo studies. Lauren Cresser, HOLC and NIO at The Pirbright Institute will showcase their study plan, highlighting the essential information required for the harm benefit review of each study and for the daily organisation of the animal unit.
The ARRIVE study plan is a new resource which incorporates an assessment of experimental reliability into an existing study review process by including elements of the ARRIVE guidelines - an internationally recognised standard to report animal experiments. Along with supporting resources, use of the ARRIVE study plan promotes rigour in the conduct of each animal experiment and encourages recording of important information about study methods, which will be needed later for manuscript preparation.
Learn more about the ARRIVE study plan on the ARRIVE guidelines website."
For more information and registration, please visit the event page here: The ARRIVE study plan: Maximising the transparency of each experiment