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Registration is now open!

Modalität: On-site

Hotel Kasteel Bloemendal
Bloemendalstraat 150
6291 CM Vaals


Registration is now open!

For more information and registration for the 2nd Annual Meeting of the 3R-Competence Network NRW, please check the event page by clicking "To the event" button below. 


We are happy to announce the 2nd Annual Meeting of the 3R-Competence Network NRW on December 5th – 6th, 2024. The network will come together to talk about the 3Rs and beyond for biomedical progress in line with best possible animal welfare. The idyllic Kasteel Bloemendal will yet again be the venue in Vaals, Netherlands near Aachen, Germany.

Mark these two days – December 5th & 6th – on your calendars! Stay tuned on our homepage www.3r-netzwerk.nrw and on our LinkedIn channel @3R-Kompetenznetzwerk NRW for more information on program, speakers and registration!

Are you curious about the 1st Annual Meeting? You can check the Archive section for the last year’s event and read more here: 1st Annual Meeting

Would you already like to book accommodation? Then, check the options which we allocated for you here: Accommodation

We also allocated a number of rooms at the meeting venue Hotel Kasteel Bloemendal. Guests can reserve a room from the contingent at the Hotel Kasteel Bloemendal, with reference to UK Aachen - 3R - NRW or under the reservation number BLO-GF20368, at the reception. Payments can be done at arrival or at departure. For more information and booking, please contact Hotel Kasteel Bloemendal via:

E-mail: bloemendal@valk.nl | Phone: +31 43 3659800