Free event
Öffentliche Veranstaltung
is organized by 3R-Network Baden-Württemberg
Free event
"Jan Tuckermann (iR-Center University of Ulm), Markus Huber-Lang (University of Ulm), Rene Tolba (RWTH Aachen), Roman Stilling (Tierversuche verstehen), Rainer Spanagel (University of Heidelberg), Marcus Meinhardt (3R-Center Rhine-Neckar, ZI Mannheim & University of Heidelberg)
“The Future of Animal Experimentation in Germany – A Crossroads for Science and Ethics”
As scientific advancements and ethical considerations evolve, the future of animal experimentation in Germany is at a turning point. Stricter regulations, alternative research methods, and public opinion are shaping a new landscape for biomedical research. Will Germany lead the way in innovative, animal-free testing methods, or will traditional practices remain indispensable? Join experts from various disciplines for a dynamic online round-table discussion exploring the challenges, opportunities, and the path forward."
For more information and registration, please visit the event page here: The Future of Animal Experimentation in Germany – A Crossroads for Science and Ethics