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From the organizers:

"Norecopa's Annual Meeting will, like last year, be a hybrid meeting from the Scandic Ørnen hotel in Bergen, with web-based participation for those who cannot attend in person. The meeting will also be used to award Norecopa's annual 3R Prize, and will include the following:0930 - 1000 CEST: Coffee and registration for participants in Bergen1000 - 1045: Norecopa's: Annual Meeting (in Norwegian) 1045 - 1130: Norecopa's 3R Prize1130 - 1215: Lunch 1215 - 1245: Are 3R Centres making a difference? (Elliot Lilley, NC3Rs)1245 - 1310: Achieving a good Culture of Care (Barney Reed, RSPCA) 1310 - 1325: A new Nordic Zebrafish Network and course series (Lars Bräutigam, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm)1325 - 1345 Working together to end 'severe suffering' (Barney Reed, RSPCA)1345 - 1400: Coffee break1400 - 1500: Diversity matters - the risk of standardisation (Natasha Karp, Astrazeneca, UK)1500 - 1515: Final discussion and commentsFull details, including the papers for the annual meeting, are available here.Most of the available places in the meeting room in Bergen are already booked. Please contact Adrian Smith immediately if you would like to attend physically.The Zoom link for the meeting is available here. There is no registration fee, but a maximum of 100 participants."

For more information and registration, please visit the event page: NORECOPA | Annual Meeting 2024