To register for this FREE webinar please enter your full name and email address to be used, if you request and pay, for a certificate of attendance.
Öffentliche Veranstaltung
is hosted by Responsible Research
To register for this FREE webinar please enter your full name and email address to be used, if you request and pay, for a certificate of attendance.
"Join Dr Anna Korzeniowska & Dr Nikki Osborne for this FREE webinar discussing 'Opening up animal science: An animal scientist's experience of open research practices'. During this webinar Anna (Research Culture Manager) will discuss a range of open research practices that researchers working within the animal sciences can use to enhance how open and reproducible their work is. She will also answer any questions the audience may have. During this webinar you will learn about:
- making your work discoverable to a range of audiences,
- making your research accessible,
- making your research robust,
- the interaction between open research and the 3Rs,
- specifying if, when and how others can reuse your work,
- the FAIR principles and how they enhance research impact,
- further information and useful resources.
To register for this FREE webinar please enter your full name and contact email address. Following your attendance at this event this information will be used to validate your attendance if you request and pay for a certificate of attendance.
PLEASE NOTE: - Your registration details will be used to send session reminders and details of future training sessions that may be of interest. - If you would like to receive a certificate of attendance to use for CPD purposes please contact us via email to request this. We will send you a payment link for the £5 certificate charge. Please note - all certificate requests are validated before certificates are issued. To learn more about our validation checks visit:https://www.responsibleresearch.co.uk/faqs"
For more information and registration, please visit the event page here: Opening animal science: A guide to open research practices for animal scientists