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Modalität: Online

Elizabeth Nunamaker, Charles River - USA

The TARCforce3R Center offers an online seminar series with exciting topics related to the 3Rs in laboratory animal science. Speakers are national and international experts.

Participation is free of charge and can be recognized as continuing education according to §3 of the German Animal Welfare Experimental Animal Ordinance. Certificates of participation are available upon request.

A broad number of topics are discussed: How improve both our science and welfare in animal research? What is the culture of care, and how can we implement it in our facilities? How do we avoid and deal with replication issues in animal experiments? What is the differential effect of anesthetics and their implications for data reproducibility? How do maintain high standards of welfare in several species? How do we recognize pain during experimental procedures?

You are encouraged to participate and share your experiences about how small changes in your practice may have improved both your welfare and data reproducibility!

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