Togeth3R | Webinar Series: Non-animal approaches in oncology
3R-Network Baden-Württemberg | #Talking3RScience: The Future of Animal Experimentation in Germany – A Crossroads for Science and Ethics
Togeth3R | Webinar Series: Non-animal approaches in infection and immunity
ESLAV/ECLAM | Winter School 2025: Comparative Medicine Predictivity of in vivo models to the clinic
University of Würzburg | 3D Tissue Infection Symposium
TARCforce3R MONTHLY SEMINAR SERIES | Communicating animal research on social media
Bf3R | Gesprächsforum zur Versuchstiermeldung
University of Oslo | 2025 NOR-MPS – the annual Nordic Organoid and Microphysiological Systems Convention
EARA | Animal Research for Science Communicators Workshop
Responsible Research | Introducing the 3Hs initiative: improving the wellbeing of rodents in research
3R - Kompetenzkolloquium NRW | Zebrafish - How to apply the Three Rs
TRR332 | Seminar series on "Understanding and improving animal experiments"
NC3Rs | The ARRIVE study plan: Maximising the transparency of each experiment
CCAC | Animal Welfare Assessment Webinar
EARA | Non-Technical Summary (NTS) Writing Workshop
COST TEATIME Action | The Art of Communicating Animal Research in the 21st Century – First Webinar
BMBF | Information Event for the Call "Closing the gap – validating and implementing new approach methodologies in a regulatory context (ValNAM)"
TARCforce3R MONTHLY SEMINAR SERIES | Animal Welfare Frontiers: “Considering Insect Welfare in Farming and Research”
Bf3R | Hybrid Seminar "Comparative Pathology in Translational Research – Bridging the Gaps"
ZonMW | Workshop on Systematic Review of Animal Studies
EUROoCS | Digital Lecture: Organ-on-Chip models integrating complex immunocompetent tissues for translational applications in immuno-oncology, (cardio)metabolic, and ophthalmology research
Bundesnetzwerk 3R | 3R-Forschungsförderung des BMBF – Aktuelle Möglichkeiten im Blick